Orphanhood tells the often overlooked story of our final coming of age moment - becoming an adult orphan after losing both parents. Sophie grapples with the realities of this as she puts her father to rest and realizes how little she ever knew of her mother, forcing her to learn to say hello before saying goodbye.


This film is a love letter, a trauma release, and a beacon of acknowledgement for myself and anyone who has lost both parents as a twenty-something adult. As with most big things in my life, after losing my Dad I started making art to try and work through things, understand things. I think that’s why it took so many passes of the script to get to a proper shooting draft – there is no sense to be made when someone dies. That in and of itself is the painful lesson we keep learning through time and grief bombs that pop up without warning, reminding us that memories are fragile and messy and shift in our minds over the years. Grief demands we stop and ask ourselves what is truly important within ourselves and our relationships with others. Orphanhood asks those same questions, and gives you the guideposts to answer them.

- Paige